Message from the CEO



It has been over 20 years since I started my career in the real estate industry. In the meantime, the real estate industry has been changed drastically. The whole industry has entered the Technology Era on the back of the emergence of real estate financial products (e.g., REITs) and the evolution of the technology (e.g., internet). Not only for rental properties, but also sales properties, most of the business practices have been shifted to online. I expect the emerging sharing economy will also impact on society and trigger another big wave in the real estate industry.
In this rapidly changing and increasingly complex era, it becomes ever more challenging to take the first step in anticipation of the next few years. With live information and cutting-edge technology, Aoyama REAX is committed to providing high-quality support for our clients’ prosperities. We aim to bring innovation to the Japanese real estate industry through our proactive learning of global trends and changes. Aoyama REAX will contribute to creating a futuristic society through real estate.

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